I keep seeing pictures of the jelly roll 1600 quilt. How difficult could it be? I watched the you tube video and read the instructions and decided today was the day I was making a jelly roll quilt. I had a Max & Whiskers jelly roll and I need a baby quilt for a boy.

It was quick, easy and fun.
I also was looking back at my 2012
Finish-A-Long List.
Number 1 & 2 are completed.
Number 3 needs the binding sewn down.
Number 3 is Rag Quilts. Here are two more for a total of 3.

Number 5 - No Houses Sewn.
Number 6 - 3 baby quilt to make. The Jelly Roll quilt is one, I have another one ready to quilt, and third one is not started.
I think I am progressing nicely on my list.